giovedì 15 giugno 2017

Athletics Golden Gala (8-6-2017)

Clicca qui per la versione italiana

I get  close to the stadium a bit earlier than expected, but I discover that the parking area is closed. I knew it was so for football matches (here), but I thought it was only for football matches Instead, you can always park near the stadium, except when sport events are held: this is also happening in Grillo's Rome. After a long ride I find a park place 2 kms away, at least according to Google Maps (actually slightly less, it points to the center of the field). I walk throwing all possible curses to mayor Raggi, her ancestors, descendants, but most of all to her voters.

I get to the stadium at about 8 p.m., half an hour after I expect. I buy a Tevere Stand ticket to walk a little less. Once inside, another nasty surprise: they had closed most of the grandstand (the upper one) to make the stadium look less empty, so that despite being half-empty, one struggled to find a place and so many people in search of one stopped in the middle, covering your sight. Little by little,, the stadium fills up, until at about 8.45, they decide to open a few more places, and I also move higher.

I'm close to the high jump sector, so I can see closely how slim the Trost has got: I read that he lost 3 kilos: it shows. In long distances there is the problem of distinguishing athletes, all dressed the same. To complicate things, it adds that the sound is terrible and most of the time I cannot understand the speaker: only after I came back I knew who had won the 1500 women. Also when Tamberi greeted the crowd with another person, I found out only then that he was Paltrinieri. In sprints, however, athletes can be distinguished from the lane: the main problem here is to choose whether to follow the leaders or the Italians, often far away. Then 200 come and the problem does not arise: Tortu comes out of the curve in the lead (or at least it looks like), then comes fourth. Seeing the time of  winner De Grasse I thought he had made the Italian U20 record, instead he remained 6/100th shy.

The Golden Gala program ends with 5,000 women, which at the beginning look like two races in one: one for blacks and one for whites (obviously behind), then groups mix. Most of the audience goes away, but there are two Paralympic races. I stay for the first one, the women's, to cheer for the great Caironi and Contrafatto, then I go, thinking of the walk that awaits me. I go through Runfest, where there is a nice atmosphere: there are people on the track and I wold like to take a lap myself, but even if they had let me in, with my legs falling in pieces I would need my equipment (knee and ankle pads). Going back to Ponte Milvio and Flaminia: there are so many people and you feel fine. Rome is always beautiful, despite Raggi.

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