domenica 26 marzo 2017


At six, more or less, I began to watch sports on TV and to dream of going to see them live. Little by little, then, I began to put my dreams into practice, although many remain dreams. The first time that I went out on my own was for a sport event (athletics meeting in Milan, 1981), the first holiday I paid by myself was for a sport event (NFL game in Berlin, 1994). Now I thought of telling my experiences as a common spectator, who pays a ticket, sit in the stands and sometimes has the impression of being seen with discomfort (one case for all: World Swimming Championships in Rome, 2009). I hope someone is interested: for Manzoni twenty-five readers were a sign of modesty, to me it would already be a success.

Let's start from my next trip, which begins tomorrow: Nordic Skiing World Championships in Lahti. Then, a bit 't a time, we will recall the previous events.

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