mercoledì 2 ottobre 2019

World Athletics Championships in Doha - Day 5

Clicca qui per la versione italiana This time I think I can arrive on time, but because of the usual hell of entry routes I have to do half a lap of the stadium first and then, once inside, do it again the other way: I therefore miss a good part of the first round of hammer and the first heat of 400. Upon entering I see a large group: they must be the immigrants who were said they would bring to the stadium to make a crowd.

This time I'm at the start of the final straight: I chose the seat for the final of the pole vault tonight (and it will be worth it). This implies, however, seeing badly the qualifications of high jump, which are on the opposite side. Of course, when I bought the tickets I could not imagine that I would forget my binoculars: today I really miss them. The first bend, where HJ takes place, is full of home fans: a roar will be heard at every jump by Barshim, who qualifies without misses. Tamberi also tries to involve the public, I don't know how much he succeeds. Important eliminations begin immediately: Przybylko is out at 2.22 and Tamberi comforts him. Tamberi makes 2.26 on second, then he misses 2.29 once, then twice and I start to wonder if 2.26 could be enough, given that not many clear 2.29. It would have been enough, but in any case he clears 2.29. Sottile gets close to getting out already at 2.26, then clears them, but stops there.

Next to me, just to change, two Britons. At one point a bald American comes to talk to them and from his badge I discover he is Lagat. He talks about races in Monaco and in Brussels. In the front row there are the parents of the American hurdler Carter, who will be injured during the heat. Later, Chigbolu will come and sit a fewrows below, along with two other members of the national team, whom I don't recognize.

For once the day starts well for the Italians: a splendid race by Re, who even wins the heat and makes the fifth time overall, Folorunso and Pedroso also advance, the latter benefits from Carter's injury, but would have done it without it. Sorry for Olivieri, who does not take advantage of the opportunity of being in the easiest heat. McLaughlin, which seems to be walking, is impressive. There is another symbolic participation of a Qatari woman, who remains two hurdles behind and closes in 1'09". The 3000sc are worse, where the Italians remain on their levels, but it's not enough. For the 3000sc hedges Finnish flags also appear: Finns do not have hign level athletes (even the steeple runner will be eliminated), but they are always there.

There is a break of an hour again: I wonder if it is worth going to the village, which is on the opposite side, but the nearby bar does not have much choice, so I go. At the exit I see Tamberi and Sottile, but they are too far ahead, I can't reach them. There is just time to come and go, or a little more, and the heat is felt, also because this time, fearing the air conditioning, I put on long trousers. It is worth it anyway, because I eat very well at an Indian kiosk. Moving on, I also notice that there are walkways to get to the stands by car.

I return that the pole vault has just begun, I miss a couple of jumps. The first bend was emptied and the second one filled, especially by Swedes. I always marvel at how the attendance changes from hour to hour, even though the ticket is unique: even next to me there is now a group of Germans.

The pole vault will remain the only race for three quarters of an hour, until the start of the track races. Rapid progression: 5.55 - 5.70 - 5.80: after 2 heights only 4 are without misses, after 3 only the 3 favorites remain. Stecchi makes 5.70 on third and comes eighth: we already have more placings in the 8 that in the whole last edition, we can say to have stopped digging (from the saying of which we spoke in London). Splendid race, even if not at the Berlin levels: first Duplantis, then Kendricks clear 5.97 on third, and the American is in the lead for fewer misses at previous heights. At Duplantis' third miss at 6.02 Kendricks runs to hug him on the mattress, then Lisek joins the party and they'll do a somersault together, but I won't see much of it because I was covered by photographers.

The other events are relegated in second place, in particular the other field event, the women's javelin: I don't even notice when it starts, and the two favorites were throwing first. Despite many upsets, it will continue to raise little interest until the last round, when pole vault is over: Barber will move from fourth to first place, to the delight of the group of Australians behind me.

As for the track events, Naser is impressive again, as she seems very relaxed, and closes below 50". Having never seen it from so close, I don't know if she really did not force or this is her usual pace. Final of 800, with only one African. Almost all the favorites of the eve are out, for one reason or another: the last one left, Brazier, wins. They close with the 200 final, where they do again the presentation with light games, and it is the most disappointing race: Lyles wins, but with difficulty and with a trivial 19.82 (but the average level remains high, with the 7th at 20.10), and from my position I can follow the final only from the screen.

To get back, I take the bus again, where I meet an Australian youth throwing coach, who personally knows Barber and talks about what a wonderful person she is. He also talks to me about his admiration for the great Italian athlete Alessi, then I find out that he means Andrei. We also talk about the Sydney Olympics, men's and women's football (there is also a Swede ...) and the rugby world cup.

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