giovedì 9 agosto 2018

European Athleitcs Championships in Berlin: Day 2 (08-08-2018)

I get to the stadium at 9.30. This time there is a bit of the queues at the gate, which suggests that there is a little more people than yesterday, and so it is: we could define a normal attendance for a morning session, if we had not accustomed badly the year last in London. My place is more or less the same as yesterday, so in the sun. The heat is even worse than yesterday: I'm in a good position for the decathlon pole vault, but I think it will not be easy to survive until then. At the first pause to drink, I notice that in my sector there are some places in the shade and I sit there for the rest of the morning.

Also today I arrive on time for Cairoli's heat: he is still improving and rises to fourth place in the standings, not far from the podium. The speaker presents him as a possible contender for the medals, but then specifies that he is not good in discus, and in fact there he will fall to 12th place. He will then limit damage in pole vault, where he will still improve by coming ahead of tied with many top rated athletes, including the future gold medalist Abele. The Germans are very enthusiastic about their decathletes (this time it is not the case to say "they heat up").

After his heat, Howe is interviewed by the speaker (in English) and talks about Donato's coffee machine. Then they play "Azzurro". The race that I see worst is the qualification of women's triple jump, and maybe it's better, because after having laughed so much of the French yesterday, today it's our turn to do 6 fouls in 2.This time I voluntarily leave a little 'before the end of the decathlon' s PV, after having been forced to leave in London last year.

I arrive for the evening session shortly after 6 pm, in time to see Cairoli's third throw: he is which is still improving. There are a few more people than yesterday, but concentrated on the opposite side to the final straight (like me): the first deck is almost all full, the second partly. In contrast, the area between the VIP tribune (in the middle of the final straight) and the Marathon gate is almost empty. The attendance is concentrated in the sector of the discus throw, where the farewell of the local idol (and mine) Harting goes on stage.It starts with the women's high jump, opened by Rossit and Vallortigara. For about half an hour the scene will be all for them: already at 1.86 they remain at 17, so we understand that having arrived there without fouls could be enough to qualify. And it is the case of Trost, always safe on low heights, but not of Vallortigara, while Rossit is already out. We think that Vallortigara's miss is an episode, instead at 1.90 she misses 3 times, while Trost in the third clears it well.The track races start with the women's 400 hurdles. 

The installation of hurdles is a challenge: the machine that carries them never stops and the volunteers must pick them up, place them and then run after it to repeat the operation.

I'm going to get me some food before the semi-finals of the 200, but I underestimate the queue and I lose the first one. I arrive just in time for the second, where it seems to me to see Desalu come second, but the board shows Gemili second, and yet they have very different colours of both jerseys and skins. The board then stops, and I find out that it was wrong.

Unlike yesterday, the evening gets animated in the second part. There is the final of the 10,000 women, which at one point looks like a walking race: one no longer understands who is in front, who is behind and who is lapped. but above all there are 3 competitions all full of twists. In the discus only one of the first 8 does not improve in the final 3 throws, Harting at one point is third, but closes sixth and in the last round there are 3 changes of position, including the taking of first place by Gudzius. Even in the long jump many upheavals, with the German conquering the silver at the last jump.

The women shot put is the race where less happens, until the penultimate throw. The speaker recalls that Guga is the last obstacle to the German's gold, but the attendance cheers gfor her and continues to applaud her after taking the lead.

At the end of the discus they project a celebratory video of Harting and the whole attendance applauds standing. The decathlon is left, where Germany celebrates another gold and Italy a great race of Cairoli.

In short, it is one of those days when you look at the Italians and you wonder "but why do not I go watch fencing?", But then you look at the rest and think it's worth it. It was one of the best athletic evenings I remember

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