sabato 20 agosto 2022

European Athletics Champonships in Munich - Day 5 (19/08/2022)

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I arrive at the Olympic Park by metro: you can already see many people going to the stadium, including Finns. Upon arrival there are volunteers who distribute maps of the Championships area and give directions: it is now clear that my problem yesterday was being the only one who was entering at that moment. I thought I had a good margin, but by the end the races are already starting. When I enter the sector, the stewardess signals me that it is not necessary to show the ticket. Since no one checks, I settle a few rows before mine.


This time I'm at the end of the first bend: I see the first exchange of X100 well, but this time I also see the finish well, but I'm always on the opposite side from the high jump, which has moved compared to yesterday. The public is not very numerous (but not too small, for a morning session), but it is very warm: the Germans will be enthusiastic about 4X100, especially the men's one, which sets the national record, for Hering in 800, which runs in the lead and then closes fourth and in any case qualified, but above all they will celebrate every successful jump of their HJ athletes, especially if on tthird attempt. On the other hand, they will not be enthusiastic about javelin thrower Roelher, who makes a disaster, even coming behind our Orlando, despite a repeated attempt. The most numerous foreigners seem to be Swiss, Finns (it's also javelin day) and British (those are always there). At Bellò's presentation in 800 an Italian flag will appear on the screen.


We start with men's 4X100, and also from the other side we can clearly see the third disastrous exchange of Italy, with Ali that practically has to  stop. We finish fifth, but seeing the time of the winner (37.97 of Germany), much lower than that in the other heat, I understand that we are in. Or at least that was the case at the time, as Turkey will get to repeat the race alone and exclude us. It goes well for the girls, who finish third, with Switzerland, without Kambundji, that is out.

The first group of the javelin also takes place: no one throws over 80 meters. However, the conditions are difficult: you can feel the wind in the direction of throw. In the second it will be a little better, with two over 80, but none to direct qualification at 83.50. By the way: the German speaker often talks about "big Q" for qualification and it makes me think of a big cow (Kuh). There are also the qualifications of women's high jump: I don't notice Vallortigara's fault at 1.78, but I see the following jumps, up to 1.87 on first, which I think will be enough. Of Furlani, on the other hand, I will only see the jump of her elimination at 1.83. Levchenko struggles, seeming less thin than usual: 1.83 and 1.87 on third. After 1.87, 13 remain, but when they are about to move to 1.91 a downpour breaks out and they decide to close it there.

 When the rain increases, I try to move to the covered area, imagining that they would let me in, and in fact they tell me that I can seat anywhere before the TV speakers' positions. Towards the end I will realize that I am also above the mixed zone. Before  the semifinals of 800 were also held, with Bellò not making a head race this time and until the last one wonders if it's tactic or she really cannot do more: in the final straight it turns out to be the latter. They close with the heats of t4X400: I get a shock when in the Italian lineup I read the name of Pivotto, who at the moment I don't even remember who he is. With him in the fourth leg we go down from first to fourth place, but that's enough to qualify. It is worse for girls, never in the race. At the end of the track races, a few javelin last round throws remain. The last to throw would be the 12th in the standings, who after having asked for confirmation of being qualified, renounces.

After the session, I take the opportunity to go for a swim in the Olympic swimming pool, a few meters from the stadium. It is my third Olympic swimming pool, after London and Berlin. Compared to the one in London, I must say that this looks like a small provincial pool: the stands are much smaller even than those of Foro Italico, it seems impossible that it hosted an Olympics: Compared to London it is also more like a normal recreational pool: you can bring things on the poolside, there are no complicated rules on the lane to be occupied based on the level of swimming and on the direction of swimming. In the end, however, I do not dare to enter lane 4, too crowded, I stop at 3 and 5. I have a little trouble floating (but it will be because I am used to thermal pools), but the water does not seem as light as in London. I also use the diving pool, with a bit of shame, since almost all Germans, children and old people, make somersaults.



Once out of the pool, I see that it has stopped raining, so I can also stop at a kiosk of the Championships to eat. I choose the Venezuelan one, where I meet a group of Italians who follow gymnastics. while in the queue, a volunteer advertises a meeting with Jakob Ingebritsen at the nearby concert stage. I see the end, with him talking about running all his life and how he was already well trained at 10 years old.

 In the evening, once again I thought I would arrive a little earlier and visit some stands, but first I take the wrong underground and make a longer journey, then I think I absolutely have to stop and eat, I'm too hungry. So I enter that the first race has already atarted, the men's discus. This time I have to get my way to take my seat: my row is full, as well as those before and 4-5 after: it is like this for a large part of the stadium, even if there are some empty areas, at the beginning and at the end of the straights. My place is ideal, as I have had few in the championships: I can clearly see the discus platform, the finish (even if on the other side) and above all the triple jump, where I am right aligned with the sandbox.

In front of me there are some Dutch people, a large group of British, but above all, in the back row and all around, many Finns, who will be noticed first when they present the two Finnish finalists of TJ and then with the 3000sc Some will also stay on the steps, to get closer to the track. For the 400 hurdles there will also be many Norwegian flags: at a certain point it will seem to be at a cross-country ski race (also for the temperature ...). It was the most international session, the Germans were less heard, also because they did not have much to get excited about: the discus thrower remained out of the 8, they cheered above all for triple jumper Eckhardt, who finished fourth by 2 centimeters, standing up at each jump. The speaker will then mention all the jumps he made with a headwind, forgetting that the third comer  had jumped with an even stronger headwind.


The track races begin with the semifinals of tmen's 800: in the first Barontini remains among the first from start to finish, finishing second and then going to the final. Then there is the first final, those of the women's 1500: as in all the finals, the athletes are presented (again in reverse order of ranking) with a display with the colors of their flag in the background. only this time for a Czech athlete the flag of Finland appears. On the last lap Muir starts and only two manage to stay not too far away. Cavalli comes off, but Sabbatini is fifth and seems able to attack at least the fourth, instead in the final straight she gives in and arrives ninth.

Meanwhile, in discus I miss the throw that puts Ceh in the lead, but I see the one with which he improves. After four rounds there are five throwers in one and a half meters, at the moment a throw by Alekna touches the 70 marker and is measured at 69.78. Immediately after Ceh will improve, but will remain second. Then the women's triple jump starts: seeing it so closely, I must say that I have not yet got used to the fact that the footprints are in any case deleted immediately, because the measurement is made on videos. I catch a glimpse of the first jump of Bekh-Romanchuk, it looks very good, but I didn't think so much: 14.86 and race presumably already over. Then, however, she will improve to 15.02 on second, the Finnish Makela sets the national record, for the enthusiasm of her compatriots inthe standsand will finish second. Tight fight for third place, with three athletes in 4 centimeters.

 But the races we were mostlooking forward are on the track and back to back: men's 3000 steeplechase and 200. In the former, not even all the finalists are presented, much less with flags, yet they are only 3 more than in 1500 and field events. Halfway through the race the two Zoglamis take the lead, while Abdelwahed remains in the middle of the group, two laps from the end Abdewahed starts and I begin to dream of a sweep Instead, the Finnish Raitanen comes out and wins before Abdelwahed and O. Zoglami, with A Zoglami seventh.


In 200 Tortu seems to have a strong start, but Hughes is leading at the entrance to the straight. Tortu seems able to come out of the group and finish second, but then Mitchell-Blake also precedes him: he is still bronze. With the time with which Desalu finished sixth in Berlin one would have won the silver: the sixth will do exactly half a second more.

The two 400hs races follow, two of the most predictable races in the program. Among women, Bol dominates, with a Ukrainian clearly second and another who in the end prevails for the third. Folorunso starts slowly, but I always hope for her comeback on the final straight: at the beginning she seems able to reach at least mid-table, then she finishes seventh. Among the men Warholm, then Happio, for third place three in one hundreth (I had only noticed two): Copello prevails over a Frenchman and a German. Field event are over, only 200 women remain: the Asher-smith enters the straight straight ahead, but is then ovetaken by Kambundji, who takes the revenge of the 100. Kaddari seventh.

Ultimately, today, in European Athletics Championships in Germany, Italy won three medals and Germany zero. Four years ago it would have been crazy to just think so. Tying the record of 12 medals is now possible, while we would need a miracle to beat it.

 Even tonight I hurry to get to the subway because of the cold. This time for the crowd they have to limit the accesses, like in other events

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